“My name is Mercy Walker and I am an alcoholic”, Mercy declared
with a simulated conviction.
She cleared her throat and directed a piercing warning glare
at her best friend of twenty years and unwilling accomplice, Garner. Garner wiggled
uncomfortably in his seat, looking at Mercy and after a long pause he said, “My name is Garner Craven and I am, ehhem, an
alco, an alcoholic”..? His tone
suggested this was more of a question than a statement. He barely managed to
get out the sentence as he looked at Mercy with an uncomfortable stare. Mercy
immediately put her arm around Garner with a sympathetic rub on the shoulder,
as intentional evidence of her support. “Welcome,
Mercy and Garner” said everyone at the lunchtime AA gathering inside the
ultra chic Kent Towers .
This was the AA meeting for all of
the corporate elite of Memphis .
This was also where Mercy believed she and Garner would expand their social
catalogue to accommodate the New Year resolution they agreed on- finding a new
circle of friends. The Kent Tower AA was a swiftly made choice. Mercy was a
regular customer of “Town Nails”, next door and always noticed the unusual
assortment of well dressed individuals as they were leaving the Towers. They
always were laughing and hugging while exiting to their array of this year’s
luxury automobiles. After the New Years Eve party Mercy and Garner hosted
turned out to be a drunken fest full of drama and animosity, The Kent Tower AA
was a clear choice- in their quest for new and sober friends.
“Wow, we REALLY are
doing this”, whispered Garner in his usual sarcastic tone.
“Shut up, Garner!
Seriously?” Mercy snapped, while maintaining a well glossed smile. “Oh, excuse me. I am so sorry” he
whispered while rolling his eyes “must be
the withdrawals”.
After much deliberation on New Years Day, after a bowl of
southern flavored Black eyed Peas for luck, Mercy was determined to meet new
She and Garner both had been in the entertainment circle
since they could remember. They met at a high school musical theater audition
and were instant friends from then on. Mercy had seen two failed marriages, two
grown children, a few substantial career successes that allowed her to retire
at 35 and was bored. As hell. Garner, owned a prominent consulting firm and had
expanded to the point of not being as needed as he once was. He was also a very
active volunteer in the Memphis
community which he always drug Mercy along to so, he owed her one. Garner was usually up for a “Mercy Adventure”. His AA
attendance was less initiated by his
lack of fulfillment and more by Mercy’s.
Mercy was not one to face change alone. She always would bring Garner into her
life changes. Sometimes it would be Kindle, her other and less willing best
“Of course, Kindle
managed to get out of THIS one. I hope to God I don’t know anyone here.”
Garner said sipping on his second cup of coffee.
“Kindle has young
children, asshole. Mercy replied with her always quick justifications.
She needs to drink,” Garner protested, “I need to drink! I am NOT quitting drinking,
lady. ….am I”? Garner asked almost begging Mercy. Mercy looked away with
guilt. “Oh GOD! You NEVER mentioned we were NOT DRINKING, you said this was to
MEET people…” asked a very concerned Garner.
“God, Garner! You always get allll tangled up in details of things…”
Mercy said casually glancing around the room and working on her third cup of
coffee. “Yes, I do, that tendency is why
I have a consulting business, and a successful one at that”.
Garner was interrupted by his phone ringing. A loud stereo
surround sound dance mix of Bruno Mars echoed through the room. Garner was so
startled by the ring he spilled his coffee. Meanwhile Mercy, in a hasty fit,
was putting her hands into his extra deep tailored pockets searching for it to
turn it off. “Oh my GOD I TOLD you to
turn it OFF, Shit”, she whispered very loudly and maintaining a fake smile.
Finally, Mercy silenced it by grabbing it, along with a handful of change and a
portion of Garners manhood.
Both, Mercy and Garner apologized, out loud, simultaneously
to the group. “You grabbed me, THERE!”
said Garner. Mercy apologized while handing him back the change she
accidentally grabbed as well.
“I feel like I have
been sexually assaulted, thank you so much- be respectful and call me tomorrow,
will you?” Garner said under his breath, while adjusting his tie and
settling back into his seat.
“Better be glad I
didn’t just snap the poor thing off, dumb ass”, said Mercy sipping on the
now cold coffee and quickly reengaging her ‘concerned eyebrows’ while listening
to another story from the attendees. Garner looked at Mercy and said, “I am sooo ready to go, these sad stories
are starting to affect my Xanax- negatively. Jesus, Mercy!”
“Damn, you whisper so
loud! You better hope no one heard you”; Mercy replied.
Garner finished his coffee and popped a breath mint, “Yes, Mercy, God forbid anyone here in the
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS here my comment about my Xanax. It is all the same. Damn, didn’t
YOU, yourself, once say, (mimicking Mercy) ‘Xanax is the CHRISTIAN way to drink’”.
Mercy leaned in,” No
it is NOT the same! THAT is a whole
other group. One that is in another area with a WHOLE ENTIRE demographic! Mercy
said speaking between her teeth. “People
that we would not enjoy… You really
are stupid. You will never fit in here not being able to distinguish the difference.
I am certain it goes over all of that in the AA blue Instruction manual thing…”
Mercy regained her composure and immediately regained her concerned
eyebrows and directed them towards the new story told by another attendee.
“…and if NOT, I guess will
just ‘E-How’ fitting into AA, if you like. Garner noticed his growling
stomach. “Damn, I am hungry”, Garner
said, eyeballing the room for snacks.
Mercy also began looking around, “Yeah, me too. I think someone said first timers get chips…I don’t see
them, though.”
The meeting adjourned. Everyone was hugging and saying
goodbye. A lot of the group members were inviting Mercy and Garner to another
meeting across town tomorrow night. Mercy spotted a familiar face. Shocked, she
grabbed the hem of Garners sleeve and pulled into his ear, “Holy shit. Look who is here.” Mercy said
almost with a vindictive hint in her breath. Garner cased the room and stopped
where Mercy’s eyes were posted.
“Lucas Peters”,
they both said excitedly and in unison. Lucas Peters was a well known, newly
awarded, Grammy winning, singer/songwriter. Who also happened to be Mercy and
Garners favorite. “I can not believe he
lives in Memphis ”…said Mercy with her eyes focused on him
still. “Stop staring! He is looking at
us.” Garner said while nervously grabbing his scarf, as a detour, and
laughing as if they were having a conversation about it.
MEEE”, Mercy said defiantly.
Before he was able to respond, Mercy began sashaying over to
the Lucas. Garner followed. “Hello, I am
Mercy Walker . So very nice to meet you. I must say, you
happen to be one of my favorite artists.”
Lucas extended his hand and replied,
“So nice to meet you as well.”
Mercy, not containing her self, leaned in to hug him. Garner
gave an uncomfortable chuckle. “Well,
guess that is how it is done in Memphis ,
huh?” Lucas responded after Mercy’s uninhibited show of affection.
“Are you not from
here”…Said Mercy, using her strongest southern inflections.
“No…actually I am from
Ohio . But, I live in Nashville and am just visiting some friends for the
New Year.”
“Well, Garner and I
would love to have you over for dinner and drinkkkk…”, Mercy abruptly
caught herself. “Damn”. She thought. Remembering
her newly established sobriety, she finished, “Yes, dinner and ‘Drink’, my cat, who also is a fan would love to meet
“You have a cat named,
DRINK?” Lucas inquired while holding back a laugh. Garner was holding back
a ferocious roar of laughter, curious to see how Mercy would get out of this
Mercy, with careful cleverness, replied, “Yes, I do. I had to! I mean,
it just reminds me how much I want to stay sober. That is why I named herm, HIM,
him, that.”
“Nice save.” Garner
said under his breath while coughing.
Deviating from the awkward conversation Mercy began digging
into her purse recovering a business card. She handed it to Lucas, “Here is my number. Please call and let us
fix you a delightful southern dinner, will you? Lucas replied, Thank you, Miss Mercy, I just might. Have a
good one” and then he exited.
Mercy and Garner continued out the front door to the car.
“Why the hell do you
start talking like Suzanne Sugarbaker when you are around a good looking man?...and
let me remind you that your own SON is
older than him.”
Mercy got her keys out of her purse and said, “When I say I hate you sometimes I am just
saying that to be funny. But, THIS time- I really DO HATE YOU.” Garner lit
a cigarette and replied, “Well, bitch,
guess you will be apologizing for that one when you start on step 3- ‘making
amends with people’. However, I am sure I will be dead by the time you get
through that incredibly long list.”