Saturday, January 24, 2015

My personal Jesus...wears Converse.

My personal Jesus wears Converse.

Sometimes, Jesus trips me out. In our conversations together I know he laughs at me.
The Bible speaks on how we are to have a close and personal relationship with the Lord. How he is with us daily, walks beside us, we are to communicate with him throughout our day, etc. He is our PERSONAL savior.
I am close enough with the Lord that not only do I talk to him throughout the day, I will find myself just straight up laughing with him at times.
For example, I was in traffic the other day (Christmas at The Wolfchase Mall in Memphis- will challenge every Christian) and I was praising the Lord listening to Fred Hammond. I was singing about “no weapons formed against me will prosper” and then a lady pulls out in front of me and flips me the bird! So, as second nature (and with Fred Hammond on full blast) I proceed to roll the window down, and remind her she has glasses on for a reason and maybe she needs to adjust the strength of them and also, in so many words, practical ways and technical purposes for the finger she flipped me. Then I rolled the window up and drove off, as the chorus got extra loud. Wow, where did that come from? I asked myself.
All of a sudden it seemed like a brief stop in time and I became all too aware of the fact that the Lord was shaking his head at me.
 It was a very awkward moment between Jesus and me.
So, I proceeded to try to explain to him that he should “over look that one”, how he of all people should “know how bad my nerves can get”, etc and then the final, “okay, okay I am sorry.”  I realized what a bad representation I was for him. How I could go from Holy Ghost to holy mess all before the chorus of a praise and worship song. Sometimes, I will even have these conversations out loud. But, that is how my relationship is with him- real.
I felt him shaking his head, accepting my apology and then being like, “girl, girl, girl….”
After my apology, I began to laugh at myself and just thought about how I love my friendship with him. 
How I can not hide from him because of our closeness.
I imagine that during his day, in between billions of prayer requests and miracles, he may pour himself a glass of Kool-Aid. Yes, Kool-Aid. Then he may pop in a tune from “The Band”and sometimes on the weekend he may pick up a guitar and write a song or two.
If he had a Facebook or Twitter he would update his status with a
“Sittin’ around bein’ awesome. –(tagging) with Moses, George Jones and Marvin Gaye-
Location: Heaven. Feeling: Relaxed #Jesus#Fishingwiththeguys.” 
Maybe even when there is a Birthday party in heaven, he may spin a little dance mix and be a celestial DJ for his guests; in Converse tennis shoes and a hoodie…
I know he is holy. I am reverent to that fact. But, I also know he is REAL. He created music because he loved it. He made us creative creatures because he appreciates our arts.
He gave us free will and the option to have a “relationship” with him. How awesome.
He knew we would fail, screw up, and fall short. That is why we neeeed him.
This was the man that picked twelve disciples that looked and acted like most of my friends! He didn’t pick deacons and saints to be his disciples. He chose men that had testimonies! …Men that looked like the Duck Dynasty guys. Okay, in all fairness, everyone looked like that back then. But, my point remains.

Today, Mary Magdalene would be one of the girls at closing hour you can find at any TJ Mulligans and Jesus would be the guy she called when she needed a ride home- when she was lonely and felt emptier than when she arrived. Because, she knew he would care for her and love her. Even when she felt dirty and ashamed, looking for someone to accept her.
Or maybe the guy you call when you are stuck in the mud at 3 am and you know not only will he come and pull you out- but even laugh about how you tried to “off road” in your Camry to impress some girl. Then he will shake your hand and wish you ‘better luck next time’ as he leaves in his big four wheel drive with the WWJD bumper sticker in camouflage. THAT guy. THAT friend. That person.
His life on earth makes me believe he liked and appreciated the broken people.
THAT was who he WANTED to spend his time with, to laugh with, and to hang out with.  He could have had ANY one but, he chose the broken people to relate to.
I worship him and love him because he is HOLY and died for me. But, those qualities are why he is my friend.
But, that is who he is to ME. I have a friend that swears he is the best business partner he ever had. Smart, savvy, organized and well dressed. To another one of my friends he is the Holy equivalent of Cam on Modern Family. He is amazing at interior decorating, always will tell her what dress looks best and knows ALL the best recipes for a Crock-pot. Another friend will say that Jesus literally takes her hands to create beautiful art work.
That is THEIR personal Jesus. The bible says he is a father to the fatherless, a husband to the husbandless. He is EVERY person we need him to be.
To each one of us, personally OURS. But, to me- MY Jesus is the coolest.
He knows EVERY thought, EVERY sin, even EVERY almost-sin; and HE LOVES ME ANYWAY! Yes, we talk. He and I talk A LOT. He is MINE. Yeah, me and MY Jesus- hanging out, writing songs and wearing Converse.


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