Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How I am losing a THOUSAND POUNDS!

How I lost over a thousand pounds and I am STILL losing…!

All of us have a tendency to be over indulgent.
We are gluttonous with snacks, alcohol, and even people.
I had become obese with other peoples problems.
It was such a gradual process that I didn’t notice until I couldn’t fit into my own life.
The buttons were popping everywhere and I remained in denial.
I tried pills, reduction diets, moving and exercising my rights but, no breakthrough.
 As a matter of fact, I collected even more pounds of unwanted weight.

Then I came up with a solution, a formula that would prove highly effective.
 This worked for me and hopefully it can work for you too!

What kind of people are in your life? What demographic is your closest friends, your closest family members and co-workers?
Are they successful? Not just financially, but in relationships, and in other aspects of their life. Begin thinking of WHOM you spend the most of your time with.

Sometimes our friends go through seasons where they lean on us more. The seasons are where we are supposed to be more available to them, as they need us. However, seasons are just that- SEASONS. They are not years and in some cases, decades and so on.
When a friend is leaning on us and needing us longer than a season they are a chronic friend. A friend that is only experiencing a season is an acute friend.
You probably have already started a mental list of who is what in your mind. Good.
 Go ahead and write it down. Not on your blog or social media site but, on a piece of paper that you can hide.

There are people that lend us wisdom, laughter and are the ones we call when we need someone. These are people that encourage us and bring positive qualities into our lives.
Then there are ones who do just the opposite. They may even be positive in one area but not the other. These are the friends that come to your birthday party (even volunteer to help!) and then get into a fight with their spouse in front of everyone. Also, the friends that are always broke and depend on your financial support. They are a liability because they cause you financial risk.

These are friends who may be asset friends but create an environment inside of you that promotes negative behavior or actions.
For example, I had a very funny and positive girlfriend. She was an amazing presence. But, for whatever reason every time she and I would go anywhere, her drinking and late night hours would bring out my inner disco ball. I would find myself drinking too much, staying out too late and being a general ignorant fool.
 She maintained herself nicely, I however, not so much. So, therefore she was a trigger friend because of what I became around her. All trigger friends are not necessarily ones to “lose” but rather closely inspect the intensity of consequences you suffer because of this trigger. If moderate to severe, “lose” this friend until you get YOU right.

Now that you have categorized all of the people in your life, separate each one into a sub category of family and co-workers. These are the people in your life you can not get rid of sometimes. However, like carbohydrates, limit.

You look at your list you can see what is making you heavy.
Too much weight makes us unable to carry our own. We are burdened down and lose the energy to stay focused and create our own positive life.
We can not carry people. (He may be your brother- but he still is heavy...) We can, however, give them encouragement and support and should also receive the same from them. If they offer nothing and take everything, it may be hard, but begin distancing yourself and let them go.
As with anything, it is all about BALANCE.
Now, when it comes to your children that is another story.
Some say you “never lose the baby weight”… wink, wink.

If you read this and discover you ONLY have “asset” friends- you are not ONLY blessed but, YOU might just be a “liability” friend.


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