Friday, October 9, 2015

Day 1- Entry 4 10-7-15 thru 10-9-15

Week 3? Day 1
I am learning everyday is “Day 1”. Everyday is new. Everyday is a new journey.
Thank you Lord for leading me from one new day into the next new day; and everyday into your will, your grip. Amen

Some days I find myself questioning what I am doing. I look at a large pile of songs. I am so reverent and thankful for. But, is this really what it is about? I get frustrated when I see others achieving so much while I struggle daily for simple things. This is not the Lord.

Day 1
Working with mainly teenage girls, I see so much insecurity. The “Selfie” has become this generations way of finding themselves. Don’t get me wrong, it is fun to take “selfies” for fun. But, lately I see an epidemic of endless pictures of these girls in every different outfit, makeup, etc, to the point it is disturbing. There is a viral video going around the internet of these 8 girls at a basketball game. Every one of them taking countless pictures of themselves. Not even watching the game, just snapping photos.
It occurred to me we are living in a self created reality. We capture the moments we are at our best and post them for the world to see. We are so focused on finding the perfect angle, lighting, filters etc so we can create a picture that reflects us at our very best. The result is everyone is looking at everyone else’s “filtered reality” and not seeing real self behind the “selfie”.
As a generation we are all about ourselves. What pressure some of these girls must have to live up the pictures they see.
No one posts “selfies” in real moments. No one even uses the original shot even! We filter, retouch, re-filter until we are only a Photoshop of ourselves.
Some of life’s most real moments can be ugly. We all experience it. We just never capture it and post the real “selfies”.
When so much focus is on the outside of a person we lose sight of the beauty within.
We love our “selfies” a lot more than we love “ourselves”.
The bad news is sometimes we will grow old. We will lose our outward beauty. Then what value will this generation have for themselves?

Today I realize how much easier it is to trust the Lord when everything is going okay. But, after being short on my utility payment it is so much harder to trust in the dark; figuratively and literally. The enemy begins telling me how I am making an error in following my God, what a loser I am, how incompetent I am, etc. I have to remind myself what a liar the devil is.
Today my doubt is a little bigger than my faith and when that kind of imbalance happens the enemy has won.
So. Lord I will trust in your plan, regardless of the circumstances and how I FEEL.
Jesus, please provide. You are a husband to the husbandless and a father to the fatherless. Please reassure me that I am following the right path. Increase my faith today, Oh Lord. Thank you for the miracles you are capable of performing and I thank you in advance for what you will send my way. AMEN.

P.s. Lord thank you for sending a word of encouragement from my son for me in my moment of doubt. Thank you for the seed that has been planted in him to grow. 

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